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Monday, January 30, 2012

Before CNY

it's midnight but i'm still here blogging.LOL
i've abandoned my blog for a long time,so i must update something
no update,no sleep =x

Before Chinese New Year,
i baked a honey cake due to my sister's request but i think it's a fail,
should search for another recipe for honey cake.

i helped my sister to make cornflake snacks and seaweed snacks.
it's our first time.
hahaha,i put lots of cornflake xD

after baking
seaweed seaweed

CNY's must have colour:RED,so i coloured my toe nails red

lol,it's really a very short post,whatever
next post sure will longer than this! :D

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Ops,i think it's time to update my blog,so this is my second post in 2012.
In 2011,
first time went to Hong Kong and Shen Zhen.It's an awesome trip.Thanks my dad!

i got myself a Canon digital camera and it's my first camera in my life.I bought it before i went to Hong Kong with family.Before i bought it,i read many reviews to decide which camera should i buy,lastly i chose Canon xD Luckily my decision is right.I know my dad will not buy a camera,even rm200,he thinks it's very expensive,so i decide to buy one.Last time borrowed my friend's camera and he complained that the pictures captured weren't clear -.- During Hong Kong and Shen Zhen trip,he didn't complained the pictures that captured by my camera xD dad,IF you're viewing my blog,the RED CAMERA is MINE.Argh! so sad,my camera accidently fell on floor when we're in disneyland =( luckily the screen did not broken.btw,thanks li chien for accompanying me to buy the camera :D

started to wear dress and keep my hair long.okay,i don't know what happen to me,just feel like want to change my style,so 2011 was the first year i tied my hair to school(previous years i was a short-haired girl) and i get some questions like "you want to keep your hair long?" or "does anyone affect you so you want to change your hairstyle?" nobody affects me,kay -.- nobody sees me having long hair before even my family.HAHA

first time participated in 4x100 metre run and got no.3.i ran slowly,luckily the last team member ran quickly and we got no.3.

first time attended graduation no! it's the second time.i don't like to attend those occasions,i feel it's boring and waste my time,better stay at home or go out "yamcha" with friends.Since it's my last year in secondary school,so i attended the graduation wasn't that boring actually (because we're busy taking pictures).2010's graduation night was boring and i felt regret to attend.every seconds my brains was thinking:I WANT TO GO HOME.the food was bad and we paid rm3x -.- waste my money,my time and petrol.

started to wear high heels,erm,no! is dad told me:"you're tall already and high heels doesn't suit you." eherm,TALL PEOPLE CANNOT WEAR HIGH HEELS MEHHHHHHHHH? and my friend:"don't care about it,tall people wears high heels very beautiful." and so funny,one day,i wore skirt and my dad said:"dress doesn't suit you,pants suit you" and my mummy:"tall people wears dress looks pretty" see it? man's opinion and woman's opinion.

and 2011 was the last year my age start with "1"
now my age is started with "2",argh!i don't want to get old =(
i think i still have lots of things to say about 2011 but i've forgotten it #brainrust

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Devil's Food Cake

2011的最后一天,在12am前的3个小时,在尤小姐工作的boutique试了十多件裙-_- 倩啊,以后不要拿那么多给我!其实也不用紧啦,你拿给我越多,最后忙的也是你xD 其实那天也没什么特别,只是在家倒数。




cake mix

其实本来要买baking soda,面粉那些来做蛋糕的,但是在超市找不到这些咯,妈妈说蛋糕店才有喔,哎呀,算了啦,看到这cake mix,就买它了,既方便又简单xD

只需要水,油,鸡蛋和cake mix

烤的时候,味道很香,像Famous Amos饼干的味道!


下次我要试cheesecake! :D


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