不知道做么,我那天样子怪怪的 -.-
其实我星期一就要烤蛋糕了,但是糖没了 =( 所以只好今天做咯。
moist chocolate cake
Ingredients (5" x 8" loaf pan):
1 cup cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup caster sugar
2 large eggs
125g unsalted butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
Chocolate Paste:
½ cup cocoa powder
½ tsp instant coffee (I used Moccona's Temptation)
¼ cup sugar
½ cup hot water
¼ cup evaporated/fresh milk
Pinch of salt
- Preheat the oven to 180 degree C. Grease the loaf pan and line the bottom with baking paper.
- Chocolate Paste: Combine cocoa powder, instant coffee, sugar, hot water and salt in a medium mixing bowl. Whisk the mixture until the sugar is melted, then add in milk and mix well. Set aside for later use.
- Sift together flour with baking powder for 2-3 times. Set aside.
- In a large mixing bowl, beat butter together with sugar until creamy. Add in vanilla essence, and eggs one at a time. Beat until light and fluffy.
- Fold in sifted flour in batches, alternate with chocolate paste. Start with flour and end with flour.
- Bake for 45-50 minutes.
Adapted from My Kitchen
在等蛋糕烤好的时候,我的弟弟一直问我几时好,我跟他说要烤45分钟后,他就说要等那么久。你干吗那么心急啦 -.-
很多裂缝 -.-外表不重要,能吃就可以了 xD
toy camera effect
这蛋糕的准备时间还短过cheddar cheesecake的。
不要以为我常去啦 ><"
当天valentine's day又推出新的design的会员卡,我本来要换的,但是那design我不喜欢 =( 所以用回青色的(青色的也不美)我错过了christmas design! =(
valencia frappuccino
yay!全部venti sized
我们有很多话要聊所以水是venti sized的xD
倩还没吃晚餐,她的chicken meltttttttt
17.50 =/
我爱我的相机 ;)
valencia frapp不好喝,我不喜欢,看我的表情就知道:P
她们在那边吃了我的cake,我还叫她们给我评语,"好过某某人的......" xD 她们在那边吃完我的蛋糕,我很开心:D 我们九点多去到starbucks,那时候没什么人,十点多后就开始多人了o.O幸好我们早来。我们真的很多话聊,聊到十一点多。之后就去海边。去到海边,很多人,倩还问今天星期二做么那么多人?我回答她说今天情人节。麦当劳非常地多人-.- 去到海边继续聊,我们真的很多东西讲。